A true genuine Conversion in the Lord Jesus Christ changes us. The Bible tells us that we must be Born Again. When we repent, confess our sin and ask Jesus Christ to forgive us, God makes us new creatures. We are washed in the Blood of His Son Jesus Christ and born of His Spirit. We have Eternal Life. God writes our names in the Lambs Book of Life. We are free and have newness of life. We have a Peace and Joy that we didn’t have before. We begin a journey with the Lord where we make Him the Lord of our life and allow Him to have complete control. He will lead us in His Righteousness Ways of living. He will Teach us His Word and change the way we think believe and live, as we read His Word (The Holy Bible). I pray that through this message you will yield to the Lord’s tug and draw upon your heart and allow Him to have His Way in your life. Repentance is a good thing be a it draws us closer to God! He is a living Father who is drawing you closer to Him, and for such a time as this. BLESSINGS!!! 🙏🏿
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